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Women In Transition provides long term facility for women struggling with alcohol and drug addiction since 2003. Women In Transition is a nonprofit 501 (c) 3 organization certified by the Indiana Association of Recovery Residency Our goal is to help women return to the community as active, contributing members free from their addiction. Must be 18 years of age and older.


Women In Transition offers evidence based programs designed specifically to help each woman become free from addiction and develop a new design of living. WIT’s programming includes; Moral Reconation Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Hazelden 18 week Living in Balance, Licensed Social Worker three times per week, and 12-step meetings. All of our residents will learn to be self-sufficient, finding full time employment or volunteering 20 hours per week.


We are INARR Certified.

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The mission of Women in Transitions is to provide a drug and alcohol free community that allows women to establish a 12 step foundation to ensure continuing recovery. Thank you for your interest of services offered by Women in Transition. We believe that if you truly want to change a 12 Step Program is the answer.



Office Phone: 260.624.3178

Shelly Grant

WIT Executive Director

Shelly Grant, Executive Director of Women In Transition since April 2013. Shelly served as a volunteer for Women In Transition in 2009 then joined the Board of Directors in 2010 as the board Secretary. Shelly worked at ITW Angola for 15 years prior to 2013. Shelly felt a calling to help women in recovery and followed her passions to help those in need. Shelly also volunteered for eight years in the Steuben and DeKalb County Jail Ministry for women.

Shelly is a graduate of Angola High School with a Bachelor’s degree in Applied Management from Trine University Cum Laude in 2016. Shelly also serves as a team member on the LaGrange County Drug Court, Co-Chair for Steuben County Drug Free, Member of the Northeastern Indiana Community Corrections, Counsel of LaGrange County Drug Free, DeKalb County Drug Free. Shelly has a Certification in Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) from the Correctional Counseling, Inc. and is Certified as a Recovery Coach from Connecticut Community for Addiction Recovery (CCAR).

Shelly has two wonderful children. Shelly’s daughter is a student at Angola High School and her son is in the United States Marines. Both of her children and family support all of her passion to help women in recovery. Shelly also has a passion for motorcycles, she is a Motor Maid and travels across the United States on her Harley Davidson for fun!


WIT Board Members

Christina Zimmerman - President


Beth Creager - Vice President 


Tara Huisman - Secretary


Shelly Grant - Executive Director


Segal Group – Financial Advisor (non-member)


Crystal Havins, MSW, LSW - Member

Our board members are local residents committed to seeing that women in the community have a resource to help them recover from addictions.


Would you like to be involved or part of our board?

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